Sunrise Joins Operation Clean Sweep Logistics
Sunrise received the 2024 Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS) Logistics Membership badge, demonstrating our company’s commitment to OCS and our leadership in working toward zero resin loss.
“By joining OCS Logistics, we are reaffirming our commitment to sustainability and proactive environmental management,” said Chris Magnus, President of Sunrise Plastic Enterprise. “This membership allows us to showcase our best practices to eliminate plastic pellet loss, reinforcing our role as stewards in the pursuit of a cleaner, more responsible supply chain.”
About Operation Clean Sweep
The OCS program supports companies working toward achieving zero plastic resin loss in operations.
An industry-led program, OCS was founded by the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) in 1991 and is managed in partnership with the American Chemistry Council (ACC)’s Plastics Division.
OCS Logistics
OCS Logistics is one of OCS’s different committee membership offerings, with resources dedicated to supporting transportation and service providers in safeguarding plastic resin during handling and transport.
OCS Logistics was created because responsibly containing resin during transit is critical to preventing its loss into the environment and preserving water quality. Dedicated programs for transportation modalities include OCS Rail (which launched in January 2024) and OCS Trucking (launching in January 2025).
As an OCS Logistics member, Sunrise is committed to implementing the OCS Pledge at all resin-handling facilities. We’re also committed to OCS’s enhanced OCS Blue requirements, as denoted by our OCS Blue Verification status.
Visit the OCS website to learn more about the OCS mission.